An international multi-cloud computing community Cloudyna MeetUp - Cloud & AI

Essentials of Cloud Architecture

18th July 2024 – (17:00-21:00) – Free

Dream Space – ING Hubs Poland,

40-083 Katowice

Be up to date with the latest news!

About Cloudyna

Cloudyna is the oldest community public cloud conference in Poland and the very first multi-cloud event that is not attached to any vendor. By deriving from our experience, organizing previous editions of the conference and being deeply passionate about the cloud computing topics, we gather the community of enthusiasts in the very heart of Silesia. We focus on delivering solid technical content from the best industry experts, with a day full of workshops and speeches.

This year, our meetup takes an exciting turn as we delve into the dynamic synergy between Cloud technologies and Generative AI. Our discussions will extend beyond the theoretical to encompass a broad spectrum of practical considerations, including security, domain-specific applications, and insights drawn from the real-world production experiences of our esteemed speakers. Join us as we explore the multifaceted relationship between Cloud and AI, offering both business and technological insights into this rapidly evolving field.

What to expect?

1 MeetUp - 3 speeches

80 attendees

of LIVE/in-person event

Great Speakers

Great Speakers

Key figures recognized in the community who will deliver the highest substantive level.



A unique chance to exchange ideas and interact with other attendees.

Greate Place

Greate Place

Dream Space - ING Hubs Poland, 40-083 Katowice

Loads of knowledge

Loads of knowledge

Delivered by the best European speakers and trainers, selected by the Program Board.

MeetUp Agenda

This meetup is targeted to professionals who want to understand the complexity, interesting patterns, new approaches, techniques, design secrets, implementation, testing and administration of cloud applications. We strongly invite those who are looking for a chance to network and develop a professional contact list. Join us if you’ve been in the cloud computing world for a while.


Kosztow(n)e niespodzianki (The Dark Side of The "Pay-for-use" Pricing)

Wybór architektury rozwiązania w chmurze, serwisów, ich konfiguracji ma swoje nieuniknione konsekwencje kosztowe. Czyli będzie o tym, co Was może zaskoczyć na rachunku za AWS i jak sobie z tym poradzić. Adam opowie o tej "ciemniejszej" stronie modelu kosztowego "Pay-as-go"/"Pay-for-use".


Wylądowaliśmy w Public Cloud - co dalej?

Dla wielu użytkowników oraz developerów Public Cloud to obszar bezkresnych nowości, poruszania się po omacku. W ING stworzyliśmy Landing Zone jako platformę, która wspomaga szybkie wdrożenia oraz adresuje minimalne wymagania bezpieczeństwa. Ale gdzie jest granica kontroli oraz na jak wiele swobody po stronie użytkownika możemy sobie pozwolić? Będzie to historia o tym jak doszliśmy do punktu, w którym jesteśmy, gdzie sami musieliśmy zmienić oczekiwania, jakie popełniliśmy błędy, jak reagują nasi klienci oraz jakie mamy plany i z czego one wynikają.


Błędy architektoniczne w chmurze

W ostatnich latach wykorzystanie chmury publicznej zyskało na popularności. Mimo wielu korzyści, pośpiech w przyjmowaniu technologii chmurowych prowadzi do błędów architektonicznych, które mogą skutkować słabą wydajnością, podatnościami na ataki czy wzrostem kosztów. Łatwość korzystania z chmury niesie ze sobą ryzyko błędów.W tej prezentacji omówię przykłady błędów pojawiających się przy wdrażaniu rozwiązań chmurowych. 

Dowiesz się, na co zwracać uwagę przy projektowaniu architektury chmurowej, aby zminimalizować ryzyko problemów i zbudować solidne fundamenty pod środowisko chmurowe.

Pricing plans Get your Ticket


Organizers Who are we?

Enthusiasts deeply engaged in the Polish IT community. Some of them has been organizing Cloudyna since its very beginnings in 2014, some conduct a number of initiatives supporting and developing the technology industry in Poland as part of Gruba.IT NGO. They all believe in importance of providing value in everything they do.


Principal Program Manager @ AI Industry Team (former Microsoft Azure MVP, Microsoft Certified Trainer) | Speaker | WorldSkills Judge and Coach


Lead Engineer | Data Engineer at during the day, sleeps at night. Almost 14 years of commercial experience, also in those where nobody wanted to work. Currently Big Data + Google Cloud Platform.

Wojciech Dąbrowski


Cloud Architect and Software Engineer with business goals awareness. Speaker, technical trainer, AWS Community Builder, and Co-organizer of AWS User Group Poland meetup.


Principal DevOps Engineer at Splunk | AWS Community Builder


Solution architect, Cloud expert and most importantly Software engineer

About the Foundation Gruba.IT

Our vision is to present the potential of the Silesian region and to support its technological and innovative side. In a 10-year perspective, we want to make Silesia the center of attention when it comes to the European technology industry. To achieve it, in 2019 we organized two major tech conferences and we’re coming back after COVID with another edition of the most recognisable public cloud community event in Poland.

Community Partners

Microsoft User Group Silesia

Partnership information Industry Hero Program

Do you want to display your brand to 200 most experienced cloud experts in Poland?
Join our community event as a conference partner and be amongst the most recognisable cloud companies in the industry.

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Contact form Get in touch with us

If you have any questions about the conference, reach out to us via this contact form.