
Krzysztof Wilczyński

„Network security guy”, CTO; Euvic Solutions S.A.

IT expert, who over the years of professional career got experienced with a wide spectrum of IT & security technologies. Thanks to working for various types of organizations, he got to know the specifics of the end customers, vendors, integrators and consulting. He has high awareness of working within the ecosystem of the parties that are delivering new solutions to organizations, with particular attention and awareness of risks and opportunities.

11:15 - 11:45


Cybersecurity challenges in a modern multi cloud based environments

Security challenges evolve in line with IT platforms. We paid attention to completely different aspects of cybersecurity in the context of on-premises environments, different for private/public cloud environments, and today we face challenges related to modern hybrid / multi cloud environments. What are the key security aspects we have to cover when dealing with multi cloud platforms?
During the presentation, we will go through the key risk factors affecting the security of multi-cloud environments and talk about the practical side of their mitigation.