Wojciech Dąbrowski
Architect, DevOps engineer, technical leader, software engineer - depending on the needs and context. Currently Cloud Architect at DTiQ, where he leads the team responsible for the architecture of cloud solutions and the strategy of cloud adaptation in the organization.
He is involved in the IT community in many initiatives. He is the AWS User Group leader, participant of the AWS Community Builder program, co-organizer of the Cloudyna conference, and co-creator of the rozchmurzeni.pl blog.
AWS Containers Immersion Workshop
Running containers in the AWS Cloud allows you to build robust, scalable applications and services. Learn how to effectively run containers on AWS using Amazon EKS, Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), and AWS Fargate. Throughout this workshop, we will host live demonstrations and hands-on labs covering what you need to know to get started and build modern applications using containers in the cloud.